My Brother’s Keeper Initiative | April 26, 2020 Covid-19 Testing
Artist George F. Baker III
Instagram @gfb3 and @Foster.Play
On-site in Decatur, Georgia painting #BLM Black Lives Matter Street Mural alongside Petie Parker and Sharanda Wilburn
Artist George F. Baker III | Switchyards Mural
I did not shoot this, just liked it.
Food Shoot June 4th, 2020
Jesse quarts from R&D Studios on Vimeo.
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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Large Grid
The following example will result in a 50%/50% split on large devices. On medium, small and extra small devices, it will automatically stack (100%).
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At R&D Studios, we do more than just shoot and edit — we approach all work from the eye of a documentary filmmaker showcasing the most interesting stories from outliers to executives.

At R&D Studios, we love to take a project from start to finish. But we do more than just shoot and edit–we strive to approach all the work we do with the eye of a documentary filmmaker, showcasing the most interesting stories from both outliers and executives.
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At R&D Studios, we love to take a project from start to finish. But we do more than just shoot and edit–we strive to approach all the work we do with the eye of a documentary filmmaker, showcasing the most interesting stories from both outliers and executives