

Guerilla Bridge Painting




Randy on Trump:










#Decatur #BlackPantherRevolutionaries #peacefulprotest #BLM







































David Hanson Livingston


I met David Livingston in 1998 when he was having a porch sale showcasing his original artwork and synthesizer music. We developed a friendship but I moved to NY and we lost touch. I still own some of his unheard reel-to-reel recordings.




Back to page: David Liviginston


Here is the website I built for him back in the 1900’s

This old site utilizes Flash to use some pages especially the music section.
If you’re on Chrome because of security, just let Flash “allow” to play the plugin.
update: Flash is no longer supported because it is the future now 🙂



SIMILAR PROJECTS: Mark Hogancamp Marwencol | Randy S. Jones 

Randy S. Jones – oops paint on found styrofoam molds – 2019


Randy S. Jones – oops paint on found styrofoam molds – 2019
























This could be a sample post where it could serve as a larger slideshow and/or how I stumbled across a subject or a situation. I’ve know Carrie Elzey for 20+ years. She’s always been kind and supportive and she’s an incredible artists and photographer. Great to see her following her caffeinated passion.














optional thanks/giveback link if applicaable.

Puddles Pity Party

Get this single.  Tim DeLaney played all the instruments except harmonica. I played that.
David Naugle shot the video.
Thanks Puddles!

Emory University Hospital Motor Court Sculpture

 –  –  –   Internal unlisted link   –  –  – 

Randy S. Jones


Randy S. Jones is a neighbor and friend. He is from Augusta, GA and after practicing law for 10 years he dedicated his life to creating art privately in his home. When I met him in 2017, I was intrigued by his artwork, stories, southern charm, and overall worldview.
2019 I documented Randy for Esopus magazine and then drove with him and some of his paintings to his first exhibit in New York City for the magazine release. Currently, we are looking for exhibition and collector opportunities.

Update 2024: Randy is unfortunately in the throws of dementia and living close to family in North Carolina. I hope to visit and try to reconnect later this year.



Randy S. Jones | NYC | May 2018

See the show


Randy S. Jones Artwork


2019 Paint on found styrofoam molds



2018 and earlier works




Contact David Naugle / R&D Studios


SIMILAR PROJECTS: Mark Hogancamp Marwencol | David Hanson Livingston 


I’m documenting testimonials (and marching with my family) for the Women’s March in Atlanta.
Please forward and contact me if you would like to contribute!
Facebook group Atlanta



Friday 1758 compilation







Mabel Sharp and her 732 bell Carillon

The daily concert from our 732-bell Carillon is one of the true joys of Stone Mountain Park. The Carillon was donated by our friends at Coca-Cola after being exhibited in the 1964 World’s Fair in New York City. The Park’s carillon has been played by Mabel Sharp for over 30 years.




Source: daver

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