This is the project site for Photographer and Director David Naugle. I run R&D Studios where I help produce content ranging from still photography, docu-style short films.
Let’s keep in touch.
As a handful of you know I have been helping Randy S. Jones share his art with the world. I started documenting him about a year ago by photographing his work and listening to his stories of being a lawyer and an artist. I have just published a piece on him in Esopus Issue 25, a New York-based art publication. [view]
Randy S. Jones ESOPUS | New York
Mark Hogancamp – Marwencol
Get this single. “Tim DeLaney played all the instruments except harmonica. I played that. David Naugle shot the video.Thanks, Puddles!”
Puddles Pity Party Edit (102,000+ views 🤔)
Hannah Palmer’s Flight Path book teasers.
Amy Landesberg Plasti-Plas
Loss Prevention – The Byron
Stereo Skateboards | Mailchimp

Art Papers Magazine issue Terminus cover and story spreads
A photo essay documenting the public art of Atlanta’s rapid transit system brings a vast collection of commissions out of the stations’ shadows with an introduction by John Cocker Art Papers link
Art Papers Magazine | Photo Essay & Video Issue
Art Papers commissioned this photo essay by David Naugle to accompany “Dead Ends,” a reportage by critic Chris Fite-Wassilak which revisits an ambitious industrial and sculpture park built in 1968 in southwest Atlanta. This project tracks down the minimalist masterpieces that were once displayed in the park, and have now been dispersed around the city—or have disappeared entirely. [view]